Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Treatment Update...

Hi everyone! Most of you know that the IUI was not successful and we were disappointed. We had so much hope that the treatment would work and it when it didn't we took the news pretty hard. We just had no idea what to do next because we thought for sure it would work. I will admit that the emotions got the best of me and I found it hard to talk to my family and friends about my feelings. I felt a huge sense of failure and that won't make sense to most people because I had no control over the treatment, but in my own mind it felt like I had failed. Matt was so supportive and he held me when I needed to cry, tried hard to cheer me up and kept pushing me to think about what we were going to do next, because giving up was not an option. I love him so much for being my rock during all of this.

When we realized the treatment didn't work we scheduled an appointment the same day with our Doctor to discuss our options. She explained that the chances of IUI being successful were less than 25% and if we wanted to increase our odds we needed to think about IVF. We hadn't really thought about IVF and now we needed to make a decision based on the information she provided in 20 minutes regarding the procedure. Talk about information overload! I remember the doctor leaving the room so Matt and I could talk it out, I just cried. I couldn't believe we were sitting there talking about this, it hit me all over again as if she had just given me my diagnosis for the first time. It took Matt to tell me that we could do this together! He's right, we can do this and we are doing this!

We immediately got a plan from the doctor and she and her team have been phenomenal with all of the questions we have regarding the treatment. We started with bloodwork and then an IVF training class on how to do the injections correctly. I am working on mentally preparing myself for all of these injections, I have a phobia of needles and last month only needed TWO injections the entire month. I will be receiving TWO PER DAY this month so no time to be scared! I will also be taking oral medications along with the patches and of course the injections. I will take any amount of medications to have our baby. I have the best husband and family anyone could ask for so we will get through this!

Treatment will start on Monday and will take 2-3 cycles to complete so I will do my best to keep everyone posted on our progress. I appreciate all the phone calls and text messages we received this past week, it meant a lot to both of us. Prayers would be greatly appreciated as we continue our journey.


Lauren & Matt

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